



The story of modern research into ape communication begins in 1931, when Winthrop and Luella Kellog, a husband-wife psychologist team, decided to raise a chimp named Gua alongside their biological son, Donald. 「類人猿の意思伝達の現代的な…

index to~

The change in the treatment of his characters is a significant index to Shakespear' s growth as a dramatist. 「シェークスピアの劇に出てくる人物の扱い方の変化は,劇作家としての彼の成長を示す大切な指標である。」 significant=important

Just as ~,so ・・・

Just as it is vital for parents to live their own lives as fully as possible and to deepen their understanding of themselves to the utmost, so it is important for teachers and educators to do the same. 「両親ができる限り充実した自分自身の…

nothing definite

But of his boyhood and adolescence nothing definite is known. 「しかしながら,彼の少年期と青年期については,はっきりしたことは何も知られていない。」

popurality with

Tanaka's high popurality with the public was one of the reasons Koizumi took the risk of appointing her to the key cabinet post of foreign minister. 「小泉首相が,内閣の重要ポストである外相に,あえて田中氏を起用するというリスクを冒した理由…

during which time

The two lived together until around 1980, during which time X taught them physics, mathmatics and political ideology. 「二人の生活は1980年頃まで続き,その間X容疑者は二人に物理学,数字を教え,思想教育を施した。」


He said (thatの省略) he would advance me the money but that there was one condition. 「彼は私にその金を用立てよう,しかし一つ条件があるといった。」 ・一つ目のthatは省略できても,二つ目は残しておく必要がある。 ・advance=〈人に金を〉前貸しす…


It would have been better to have left that unsaid. if you had left that unsaid 「そんなことは言わないで置いた方がよかったのに。」 cf. You had better have left that unsaid.

センター試験第2問 A-問3

After ( ) dropping the expensive glass vase, James decided not to touch any other objects in the store. 1 almost 2 at most 3 most 4 mostly 「ジェームズはもう少しで高価なガラスの花瓶を落としそうになってから,その店のほかのものには手を触れな…